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Award Eligibility:

Applicant must be a trainee (graduate student or postdoctoral fellow) registered in an educational institution.

The applicant is expected to participate in the next Canadian Connective Tissue Conference.

Applicants must submit an abstract for a presentation at an international meeting outside Canada. 

The scientific meeting must have a strong association with connective tissue research.

Application Requirements: Applications should be provided as a single PDF file as an attachment in the online application form, including the following items:

  • Personal Statement (30% weight): A personal statement outlining how participating in the conference will enhance the applicant’s training and contribute to their future career goals. The statement should address specific skills or knowledge the applicant aims to gain, how the conference aligns with their research interests, and the broader impact on their academic or professional development.
  • Statement from Supervisor (20% weight): A statement from the applicant’s supervisor or mentor, endorsing the candidate’s suitability for the conference. This should highlight the applicant’s academic potential, achievements, and how attending the conference will further their research or career trajectory.
  • Scientific Abstract (35% weight): Project abstract submitted/ to be submitted to the scientific meeting. Abstract should clearly describe the research question, methodology, key findings, and significance of the work in the broader scientific context.
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) (15% weight): A detailed CV (maximum of 3 pages), outlining the applicant’s academic background, research experience, publications (if applicable), and relevant skills. This should demonstrate the applicant’s qualifications and potential for growth in their field.

Applications to this competition is now closed. Competition will open on January 15 2025


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